Metall Ball Reunion 2007

These are the shots from Rob's wife's camera.
Please feel free to right click on any image and save to your computer.
Please send me yours as well and I will post them - Mick

Dave Berris - Pre Party


JR - Dave Berris


Brian - JR - Dave Berris


JR - Scott - Goose


Greg - JR - Goose


Lance - JR


JR - Shelly


Dave Berris - Guest


Party Goers


JR - Scott - Tommy Richardson


Dave - Goose - Scott Eli - Tommy - MickJR - Dave Berris


JR - Jim Raeburn




Goose - Rob - Jeff - JR


Jeff Leigh - JR


The Cured


The Cured


The Cured


Zippy - The Cured


Chuck - The Cured


The Cured


The Cured


Zippy - The Cured


The Cured


Goose - Rob


Original Suspicion Line up Reunion


Larry and Terry Rivers


Mick - Goose


JR - Scott - Mick - Goose


Trent - Mercedes


Dave Berris - Tony Diamond


Tony - John Hernandez


Scott "The Hellion" Miller


Shelly - Tommy Roulon - Dave Roberts


Shelly - Tommy Roulon


Greg Acampora - Dave Berris


Rob Moore's wife Catherine


Scott Miller

Shelly - JR


Greg - Jorge Palacios


Ahhh - Girls !!!


Cathy Fay - Jeff Haight


Tommy Richardson - JR


Rainy Campbell - JR - Greg Acampora


Scott Miller - Dave Berris


Scott Miller - Dave Berris - Greg Acampora


More Guests


JR - Dave Zimmerman - John Perry - Jeff Haight


Gilbert - JR


Gilbert Kourey - Dave Casey


Greg Acampora - Brad


Dave Berris - Scott Miller


Scott Miller - Brian Mertans


JR - Pretty Gal


Yeah... What?!!!!






JR - Chuck Cammeron


JR - Jim Brown - Shelly - Mick


Lisa - Rob - Catherine - ?


JR holding the camera upside


Scott Miller



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