Metall Ball Reunion 2007 |
These are the shots from Rob's wife's camera. |
Please feel free to right click on any image and save to your computer. |
Please send me yours as well and I will post them - Mick |
Dave Berris - Pre Party
JR - Dave Berris
Brian - JR - Dave Berris
JR - Scott - Goose
Greg - JR - Goose
Lance - JR
JR - Shelly
Dave Berris - Guest
Party Goers
JR - Scott - Tommy Richardson
Dave - Goose - Scott Eli - Tommy - MickJR - Dave Berris
JR - Jim Raeburn
Goose - Rob - Jeff - JR
Jeff Leigh - JR
The Cured
The Cured
The Cured
Zippy - The Cured
Chuck - The Cured
The Cured
The Cured
Zippy - The Cured
The Cured
Goose - Rob
Original Suspicion Line up Reunion
Larry and Terry Rivers
Mick - Goose
JR - Scott - Mick - Goose
Trent - Mercedes
Dave Berris - Tony Diamond
Tony - John Hernandez
Scott "The Hellion" Miller
Shelly - Tommy Roulon - Dave Roberts
Shelly - Tommy Roulon
Greg Acampora - Dave Berris
Rob Moore's wife Catherine
Scott Miller
Shelly - JR
Greg - Jorge Palacios
Ahhh - Girls !!!
Cathy Fay - Jeff Haight
Tommy Richardson - JR
Rainy Campbell - JR - Greg Acampora
Scott Miller - Dave Berris
Scott Miller - Dave Berris - Greg Acampora
More Guests
JR - Dave Zimmerman - John Perry - Jeff Haight
Gilbert - JR
Gilbert Kourey - Dave Casey
Greg Acampora - Brad
Dave Berris - Scott Miller
Scott Miller - Brian Mertans
JR - Pretty Gal
Yeah... What?!!!!
JR - Chuck Cammeron
JR - Jim Brown - Shelly - Mick
Lisa - Rob - Catherine - ?
JR holding the camera upside
Scott Miller