Metall Ball Reunion 2007 |
These are the shots from Greg Acampora's camera. |
Please feel free to right click on any image and save to your computer. |
Please send me yours as well and I will post them - Mick |
Tattooed Ass Grab
Chuck - Shelly
Eli - Shelly
Goose - Shelly - Jeff Leigh
Greg - Brad
Greg - Jodi - Shelly
Greg - Jeff Leigh
Greg - Jeff Leigh
Greg - Jeff - Mick Moore
Greg - Rob Moore
Greg - Brad
Jeff - Greg - Rob Moore
Jill Pagluso - Shelly Carlson
Jorge Palacios - Greg - Brandy
Jorge - Jill - Shelly
JR - Dave Zimmerman - John Perry - Jeff Haight
JR - Goose - Shelly - Dave Berris
Larry Rivers - Shawn Hoyle - Terry Rivers
Manisha Moore - Scott Miller - Shelly Carlson - Mick Moore
Mr. Jeff Leigh
Unknown Party Guest
Unknown Party Guest
Unknown Party Guest
Suspicion Reunion
Suspicion Reunion
Brad - Guest
Guest - Brad - Guest
Guest - Brad - Guest
Rob & Catherine Moore
Scott Miller - Shelly Carlson - Mick Moore
Shelly Carlson - Donna
Shelly Carlson - Donna
Shelly Carlson - Jill Pagluso
Shelly Carlson - Jill Pagluso
Shelly Carlson Loves Beer
Shelly Carlson Sneer
Zippy - The Cured
Zippy - The Cured
Chuck - Zippy - The Cured
The Cured
Zippy - Chuck - The Cured
Zippy - Chuck - The Cured
Zippy - The Cured
Zippy - The Cured
Zippy - The Cured
Tommy Roulon - Greg Acampora
Tommy Roulon - Greg Acampora
Zippy - Greg Acampora